
26 11 2009

Hello K-2 Scholars!

How many times have you asked why MONEY MATTERS?! Well we aregoing to explore that and MORE. Get excited as we learn about the history of money as well as information that will help us save our money so we can build wealth!! If you have any questions or comments, make sure you post it so we can learn more together!

Enjoy 🙂 – Miss Dee

Dear Parents and Teachers,

This site was designed to help children learn about money. Itcovers topics such as the history of money, how to count and save money as well as things families can do to help students budget money. There are interactive stories and games to really engage your K-2 grade child. It is important for them to understand why MONEY MATTERS, so they can truly value budgeting and building wealth. This site is a resource for students, teachers and parents so your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Here is a video that may motivate both parents and students to explore why MONEY MATTERS!!

Happy Saving!

Miss Dee